- ezyquant.backtesting.backtesting.backtest(signal_df: DataFrame, backtest_algorithm: Callable[[Context], float], start_date: str, end_date: str, initial_cash: float, pct_commission: float = 0.0, pct_buy_slip: float = 0.0, pct_sell_slip: float = 0.0, price_match_mode: str = 'open', signal_delay_bar: int = 1) SETBacktestReport #
Backtest function. No trade will be made if price is nan.
- Parameters:
signal_df (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe of signal. Index is trade date, columns are symbol, values are signal. Missing signal in trade date will be filled with nan.
backtest_algorithm (Callable[[Context], float],) –
function for calculate trade volume.
- Parameters:
- context: Context
context for backtest
- Return:
- trade_volume: float
positive for buy, negative for sell, 0 or nan for no trade
start_date (str) – Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD.
end_date (str) – End date in format YYYY-MM-DD.
initial_cash (float) – Initial cash.
pct_buy_slip (float = 0.0) – Percentage of buy slip, higher value means higher buy price (ex. 1.0 means 1% increase).
pct_sell_slip (float = 0.0) – Percentage of sell slip, higher value means lower sell price (ex. 1.0 means 1% decrease).
pct_commission (float = 0.0) – Percentage of commission fee (ex. 1.0 means 1% fee).
price_match_mode (str = "open") –
- Price match mode
median - (high + low)/2
typical - (high + low + close)/3
weighted - (high + low + close + close)/4
signal_delay_bar (int = 1) – Delay bar for shifting signal.
- Return type: