
ezyquant.indicators.zigzag.peak_valley_pivots_candlestick(close, high, low, up_thresh, down_thresh)#

Finds the peaks and valleys of a series of HLC (open is not necessary). TR: This is modified peak_valley_pivots function in order to find peaks and valleys for OHLC. :param close: :type close: This is series with closes prices. :param high: :type high: This is series with highs prices. :param low: :type low: This is series with lows prices. :param up_thresh: :type up_thresh: The minimum relative change necessary to define a peak. :param down_thesh: :type down_thesh: The minimum relative change necessary to define a valley.


  • an array with 0 indicating no pivot and -1 and 1 indicating valley and peak

  • respectively

  • Using Pandas

  • ————

  • For the most part, close, high and low may be a pandas series. However, the index must

  • either be [0,n) or a DateTimeIndex. Why? This function does X[t] to access

  • each element where t is in [0,n).

  • The First and Last Elements

  • —————————

  • The first and last elements are guaranteed to be annotated as peak or

  • valley even if the segments formed do not have the necessary relative

  • changes. This is a tradeoff between technical correctness and the

  • propensity to make mistakes in data analysis. The possible mistake is

  • ignoring data outside the fully realized segments, which may bias analysis.