
ExecuteContextSymbol.place_order(side: Literal['Buy', 'Sell'], volume: float, price: float = 0, qty_open: int = 0, trustee_id_type: str = 'Local', price_type: Literal['Limit', 'ATO', 'ATC', 'MP-MKT', 'MP-MTL'] = 'Limit', validity_type: Literal['Day', 'FOK', 'IOC', 'Date', 'Cancel'] = 'Day', bypass_warning: bool | None = True, valid_till_date: str | None = None, is_round_up_volume: bool = False, mode: Literal['none', 'skip', 'raise', 'available'] = 'none') EquityOrder | None#

Place order.

Round volume to 100. If volume is 0, return None.

  • side (SIDE_TYPE) – Buy or sell

  • volume (float) – volume to buy or sell. Will round to 100.

  • price (float) – price to buy or sell. Must be 0 if price_type is Market.

  • ...

  • mode (PLACE_ORDER_MODE_TYPE) – none: no check skip: skip if not insufficient raise: raise error if not insufficient available: use available volume